Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Untitled erotic poem

Cradled between your tender thighs
    I lift you to my mouth.
The abundance of your wetness greets me
    and my mouth overflows with your warm essence.
Your sweet taste is on my tongue
    and your fragrance delights my senses.
No gentle lick this visit.
    No bashful cautious approach
        For I wish to consume you.
Push against my hungry mouth
    As the tip of my tongue slides up the slippery furrow
        that welcomes me between rows of delicate pink petals.
Thrust against my generous tongue.
    Show me the power of your desire
        for my oral caress.
My exploring tongue lifts the hood
    and finds your smooth firm pearl.
You squeal in that unique way,
    signaling that I have found your special spot.
I harden in response.
    My jaws protests what my open mouth provides
but I am unrelenting in my gift,
    intent only on your fulfillment.
I feel your body tense,
    and you are quiet now...
        Concentrating... bearing down.
Soon now my love,
    ecstasy approaches.
You push hard and fast against my tongue,
    shameless in using me
and I so willingly comply
    until you cry out...
and in your satisfaction,
    I will find mine,
        But mine will be the greater.


  1. That was very beautiful! I didn't realize men/ straight men still wrote poetry. You are very talented

  2. Very...moving. And I have to agree with anonymous that you are very talented...

  3. Nice, a very cunning linguist you are. That will do.
